People First

Registration Status:

Event Date:

Event Time:
8:30 am - 1:00 pm


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WHEN: Tuesday, March 8th, 2022 

WHERE: Denver Country Club

TIME: 8:30am-1pm

COST: $55/person. Price includes light breakfast, education and lunch. 

OVERVIEW:  Our Keynote Speakers, Three and Jackie Carpenter will be making the trip from Iowa for a powerful presentation on the key principles from their recently released book, People First! Receive actionable takeaways from a 5-step roadmap to create positive employee experiences and upbeat employee cultures. The Carpenters will help you unleash people's potential, spark passion and ignite purpose to establish a connected team and a thriving organization. Bring your staff as this is a presentation you won't want to miss!

The meeting will also feature a valuable update from the Capitol as our local lobbyist, Jennifer Cassell updates us on upcoming legislation that could impact the golf industry, plus an overview of the legislature.


8:30am - 9:15am: Check-in + Light breakfast + networking
9:15am - 9:30am: Chapter President's message
9:30am -10am: Jennifer Cassell with Bowditch & Cassell, update from the Capitol
10:15am -11:45am: Three and Jackie Carpenter presentation, "People First."
12pm: Lunch
Meeting dismissed

REGISTRATION:  Mile High Chapter members and their guests may register via our online event registration. Non-Chapter members who wish to attend by register directly with our Executive Director, Cortney Murphy at: [email protected]

PAYMENT: You may pay registration fees via our online payment portal through the following  QR Code.


You may also pay for the event registration by snail mailing a check payable to the "Mile High CMAA" to the following address: 

Mile High CMAA
C/O: Cortney Murphy
15275 W. Auburn Ave. 
Lakewood, CO 80228 

SPEAKER BIOS: With more than thirty years of experience as a GM, Three Carpenter, CCM, is on a mission to help organizations develop work cultures that enrich employees and inspire results. Three has been the GM/COO of Crow Valley Golf Club in Davenport, Iowa, for six years, and has lead clubs such as Dallas Country Club in Dallas, TX, Hillwood Country Club in Nashville, TN and Wakonda Club in Des Moines, IA. By placing great value on the contribution of every staff member, Three has cultivated happy and engaged employees. Together he and his teams have transformed outdated and financially struggling private clubs into hubs of activity that are growing and profitable.

Jackie Carpenter has nearly twenty years of experience in the club industry. With an undergraduate and Master's degree in Hospitality Management, she has been instrumental in creating caring work cultures and positive employee experiences at organizations across the country. In addition to working at several private clubs, Jackie served as the Director of Extraordinary for The Extraordinary Leader Program for over six years, taught undergraduate courses at the University of North Texas and has been the editor of The Private Club Advisor for nine years.

Three and Jackie's book, People First: The 5 Steps to Pure Human Connection and a Thriving Organization will be released on October 5, 2021 by Post Hill Press.
