Hot Topics
Tuesday, March 11th, 2025 COST: $55 and includes breakfast, education and lunch. OVERVIEW: Join us as two industry experts are coming into town to discuss two "Hot Topics." 1) "Building Trust in Governance: PR Firms Do It Successfully Every Day!" - Rick Coyne 2) "Learning Beneficial Artificial Intelligence Opportunities: It's There Now" -Skip Avery Members will receive 5.5 CE credits for attending. You won't want to miss this education session! GENERAL TIMELINE: 8:30AM - 9:10AM - Check-in and breakfast social ABOUT THE SPEAKERS:
With over 50 years of experience in private club management, market analysis, and effective marketing strategies, Rick has assisted over 1000 clubs and presented at over 900 workshops worldwide. Additionally, Rick is a successful author and was the Co-Founder and CEO of the Professional Club Marketing Association, where he offered education and advocacy to industry experts for many years. Rick stresses the significance of strategic planning and market insights to stay current in the ever-changing private club industry.
Skip is a veteran in the club industry with over 39 years of experience. He has served as GM/COO of prestigious private clubs and is a former CMAA President. Skip now works as Director of Club Development at Stone Group Architects, helping management teams and clubs in North America. He collaborates with designs and consultants to enhance member experiences and remains actively involved in CMAA. REGISTRATION: Mile High Chapter members and their guests may register via our online event registration. Non-Chapter members who wish to attend may register directly with our Executive Director, Cortney Murphy at: [email protected] PAYMENT: You may pay registration fees via our online payment portal through the following QR Code.
You may also pay for the event registration by snail mailing a check payable to the "Mile High CMAA" to the following address: Mile High CMAA |