Think Design

Registration Status:

Event Date:

Event Time:
8:30 am - 1:00 pm


Event Location:
Pinehurst Country Club



Tuesday, February 6th, 2024
at Pinehurst Country Club
8:30am - 1pm


COST: $55 and includes breakfast, education and lunch.


OVERVIEW: Thinking about re-designing your kitchen space or want to know the latest F&B design trends? Cam Willox, former Club Manager and design extraordinaire at Boelter will be discussing back of the house design options and trends that will leave a lasting impact with members and increase staff productivity.


Jim Sweet with Astanza Design will be discussing front of the house design trends to include: Member Dining, Bar, Pub, Grill, Catering, Pool and Patio. Other discussion topics will include: 

  • Four stages of design, the intricacies, the best practices and the worst within each
  • The four characteristics of anything
  • Questions to ask your prospective designer/architect/vendor before you contract
  • What do I (club GM/COO) do when there's no budget?
  • The three boxes of convincing the Board, and members of a capital project


Rounding out the meeting will be our Annual Installation of Officers.  Please join us in welcoming our new Board of Directors:

Jenny Gwinner, President - Fort Collins Country Club
Trey Bayliss, Vice President - Pinehurst Country Club
Patrice Piralla, Treasurer - Denver Country Club
David Colicchia, Secretary - Denver Country Club


**Members will receive 6 CMI credits and 1 activity credit for attending.


8:30AM - 9:20AM - Check-in and breakfast social
9:20AM - 9:40AM - Message from our Chapter President or Board of Directors
9:40AM -10:40AM - Education Presentation with Cam Willox from Boelter
10:40AM -10:50AM - Break
10:50AM - 12:30PM - Education Presentation with Jim Sweet from Astanza Design
12:30PM - 1:00PM - Lunch
1:00PM - Meeting adjourned


ATTIRE:  Business casual and/or work attire.

REGISTRATION:  Mile High Chapter members and their guests may register via our online event registration. Non-Chapter members who wish to attend may register directly with our Executive Director, Cortney Murphy at: [email protected]

PAYMENT: You may pay registration fees via our online payment portal by scanning the QR Code.


You may also pay for the event registration by snail mailing a check payable to the "Mile High CMAA" to the following address: 

Mile High CMAA
C/O: Cortney Murphy
15275 W. Auburn Ave. 
Lakewood, CO 80228