Cyber Security: Is your club safe from hackers?

Registration Status:

Event Date:

Event Time:
8:30 am - 12:30 pm


Event Location:
The Club at Ravena


CYBER SECURITY: Is your club safe from hackers?

Tuesday, November 7th, 2023
The Club at Ravenna

OVERVIEW: Have you thought about the impact to your club if you were hacked? What risks are you willing to take with data housed on your network and what loss of productivity can your business stand?

With new vulnerabilities being discovered and exploited daily, cyber security is the unseen threat that can take down your operation and cost you money. Backing Fire is made up of industry experts with military and public safety experience, protecting networks and infrastructure that simply cannot be taken down.

This team will provide information on the current cyber threat landscape, the importance of cyber security to your club and the potential risks and vulnerabilities that you may face. This includes best practices for network security, data protection, employee training and practical tips for implementing cyber security measures. These topics can be taken back to your IT personnel or managed service provider to ensure you are protected and can continue providing the best service to your members. Bring your club's IT staff.  You won't want to miss this one!

Members will receive 3 CE credits for attending.

COST: $55/person. Price includes education, breakfast & lunch


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 Kevin Biegert Ethan Honaman


8:30AM - 9:15AM - Check-in and breakfast social
9:20AM -9:30AM - Message from our Chapter President or Board of Directors
9:30AM -9:50AM - Affiliate Partner introduction
9:50AM -11:50AM - Education Presentation
11:50AM - 12:00PM - Break
12PM - 12:30PM - Lunch
12:30PM - Meeting adjourned


ATTIRE:  Business casual and/or work attire.

REGISTRATION:  Mile High Chapter members and their guests may register via our online event registration. Non-Chapter members who wish to attend may register directly with our Executive Director, Cortney Murphy at: [email protected]


PAYMENT: You may pay registration fees via our online payment portal through the following  QR Code.


You may also pay for the event registration by snail mailing a check payable to the "Mile High CMAA" to the following address: 

Mile High CMAA
C/O: Cortney Murphy
15275 W. Auburn Ave. 
Lakewood, CO 80228